CC MiniKids / CC Kids / Youth Guest Consent Form

CC Mini Kids (Pre-school), CC Kids (Primary School) And Pulse (Secondary School) children's ministry is provision provided on behalf of C3 Church Cheltenham. The provision aims to provide a safe and welcoming environment for children to meet, socialise and gain access to information, advice and guidance about the Christian faith.

Tip: (in case we have to contact you during the service)

Tip: Include: allergies, medical, disability, injuries, religious beliefs etc.

Tip: (Including any medications they are currently taking)

Declaration to be signed

Data Protection: Any data provided in this form will be stored and processed in accordance to the Data Protection Act 1998 and used for various administrative and health and safety purposes.


I agree to photographs and/or video images being taken of the child named above for use in project work. I also grant permission for any licence that may be required to permit the photographs being used in printed publications and marketing and advertising material including internet sites.  I understand that I do not own the copyright of the images or contributions.     


I have completed the form to the best of my knowledge and I confirm that I am willing to allow the child named above to attend the above mentioned children’s provision.

Tip: Printed name accepted as signature.